About Our Program
The Wesley Chapel High School School Music Program is among the most successful in Pasco County. Our program includes the 2-Time FMBC State Finalist Wildcat Marching Band, Wind Ensemble & Concert Band, and the Swingin’ Wildcat Jazz Band. The performing ensembles at WCHS regularly receive superior ratings at FBA Music Performance Assessments.
The Wesley Chapel High School Colorguard and Winterguard programs are among the most successful programs in the state of Florida. The WCHS Colorguard regularly places in the Top-3 at all marching band competitions. The WCHS Winterguard is a 2018 FFCC Silver Medalist in B Class, and a 2019 Gold Medalist and State Champion in AAA Class.
For more information about how to get involved with the program, contact Mr. Sims, Director of Bands at WCHS (jsims@pasco.k12.fl.us) or (TBA), Color Guard Director at WCHS.