Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at



FCAT Explorer/Florida Achieves •
Note: students may access “Focus” from this page

Free Rice •


Click HERE to find out when your teachers are available for additional tutoring assistance.


Math Tutoring: Take advantage of extra help from the math teachers from 2:10 until 2:40, up to three days a week. Mondays will be in room 408, Tuesdays in rooms 407 and 319, and Thursday in room 318.

Also, students may take re-takes during lunch on Wednesdays in room 408 for A lunch and room 117 for B lunch. Depending on which course a student is taking, the number of re-takes allowed is different, so check the class syllabus. For example, in Algebra 1 regular, students are allowed an unlimited number of re-takes. For Algebra 1 Honors, students are only allowed to re-take a maximum of three times per assessment. They are required to attend a tutoring session before they are allowed to do a re-take.


Click HERE for High School Graduation requirements by class.



Advanced Placement

Media Center

Online Resources for Students

Learning Center

Pasco eSchool

Adult Education

Wildcat Pride 9th Grade Academy