Graduation is a momentous occasion not only for seniors, but also for their parents, families, and friends. For that reason, the ceremony is to be held with dignity and courtesy of others. All  participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for the occasion,  including the manner in which you walk across the stage. All participants must comply  with the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct. Inappropriate behavior will result in your  diploma being pulled and parents having to meet with school administration. Anyone under  the influence of alcohol or drugs will not receive his/her diploma and will be turned over to the  appropriate law enforcement officials.  

  • Improper noises and distractions will not be permitted (beach balls, whistles, air horns, silly string, ect.)  
  • Please refrain from using electronics (watches, cell phones, ect.)  
  • Please turn off all cell phones during graduation  
  • Family and Friends should remain seated as a courtesy to other graduates and their families  
  • Gigante Productions (813-907-1078) will photograph each senior individually. Graduates will be photographed individually as they receive their diploma and congratulations from the principal. The photographer will notify graduates when the pictures are available, purchases are optional. Families can view photos through the QR code located in the graduation program.   
  • No one other than WCHS Staff and District School board Representatives are permitted on the stage at the graduation ceremony.