Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Community Service

Community service hours, though not required for high school graduation, are required for Bright Futures scholarships and can be incredibly important for university admission. Because of this, tracking your community service hours is vital to your academic future. For example, the Bright Future Florida Academic Scholarship requires 100 hours for the top scholarship award.

Community service is an altruistic, uncompensated volunteer effort that benefits the community and/or certain populations. You must document your community service hours and turn them in promptly to Mrs. Faysash. All hours MUST be submitted before graduation. Since tracking is important, we have provided a form to help you track them. We also recommend that you use the Community Service Proposal form to get pre-approval of your community service activities. This will prevent you from unknowingly spending time on activities that do not qualify for Bright Futures hours. We have also provided some important information concerning community service guidelines and opportunities:

Community Service Proposal Pre-Approval Form

Community Service Hours Form

District Volunteer Guidelines

Volunteer Opportunities in Pasco County