PARENTS OF SENIORS, SAVE 10% ON YOUR SENIOR AD PURCHASE! Early bird sale on senior ads! Purchase a senior ad before the end of September and save 10%. Visit to view your options and make your purchase, Enter the code SENIORAD at checkout and...

Cap and Gown Presentation

9/24 Cap and Gown presentation with Herff Jones at 9:30 am in Cafeteria *Mandatory Grad Fees: $100 includes Graduation ceremony, cap and gown, tassel, medallion, diploma cover *Cost will increase after deadline of 1/24/25

Yearbook Sales

Preorder your yearbook now through January 23, 2025. Cost is $90. Make your purchase through the student quick pay portal or by visiting our publisher’s website, If you want anything extra, like a name stamped onto the cover or a clear...

Senior Ad Sales

Senior ads can be purchased now through December 23, 2025. Visit to view options and prices. You can design it yourself, upload a finished ad, or have us design it for you.

Senior Panorama Photo

Gigante will be on campus on October 2nd to take the senior panorama photo. This will take place during first period. Seniors who arrive to campus for second period should plan to arrive no later than 7:45 if they want to be included in the class photo! This photo...