The NHS application window is now open for sophomores, juniors, and seniors only. Applications and teacher recommendations were sent to all students who qualify based on 3.2 unweighted GPA through myStudent email and outlook email. There will be two informational meetings on Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th right after school in room 326 about NHS and the application process. Students only need to attend one meeting. Any questions may be emailed directly to Mrs. Salter at
NHS is now doing a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser. Students can see any NHS member and order a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for 15 dollars. All proceeds will go the Relay for Life. Sales will end on February 6th, and donuts will be available after school on February 11th in room 326. Cash or check can be made out to Wesley Chapel High School.
The second fundraiser that NHS is doing for the Relay for Life will be a dodgeball tournament hosted in the Gym from 3-5 on February 26th. It is 5 dollars to play, and the winner will get a 25 dollar gift card to Chipotle.