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Mission PAWSible! Shout Outs


Click HERE to submit a Shout-Out to a FACULTY or STAFF MEMBER!

Click HERE to submit a Shout-Out to a STUDENT!


Shout outTo Sean Portillo
“He is the best TV Production partner ever! His editing skills are so good. He is also a great person and I always look forward to see him in class. A great student and partner. (:”
From: Amelia Defilippis



To Mrs. Hetzler-Nettles
“For always being supportive of our newscast, and for being the best principal a school could have!”
From: WCAT News Crew


To Alexandra Burgos
“I would to like to shout Alex out for being a great friend and helping in Spanish class when I am completely lost.”
From:  Carissa Brown


To Mr. Livingston
“Helping me a lot with understanding Algebra. He would go the extra mile to help you be successful.”
From: Dre Ivery



To Mrs. Slogget
“I would like to recognize her for being sweet and her hard work. She has been an awesome and supportive teacher. Also, she has been very nice to me and others. I thank her for everything she has done for her student, including myself.”
From: Jaralee Resto-Ramos


To Sierra Norris
” She is a hard worker and a very supportive person. She has given a lot of good advice to me and for others about high school. Also, she has given a lending hand to those who need support for any complications. She has been a good friend to me and others. I appreciate her warm heart and her dedication to her education.”
From:  Jaralee Resto-Ramos


Shout outTo Nicole Acres
“She has been a wonderful, helping citizen. She helped me study for tests and helped me on my math homework.”
From: Lexis Gonzalez



To Mrs. Johnston
“I would to give this shoutout to Mrs. Johnston because she never gave up on me in the 1st quarter!”
From: Aryiana Hill


To Ms. Norris
“I would like to thank you, especially since I acknowledge the fact that you do so many things for students. This year already i have seen the polite and kind personality that she has. I feel a lot of students should be thankful, but i hope this thank you will give you a smile.”
From: Hunter Davis


Shout outTo Girls Varsity Basketball Team
“Shake off Tuesday Pre-Season game. Time to work and start the season off right starting Thursday. Relax and just have fun playing basketball as if you’re at the park. It’s time to get it!!!”
From: Myko Coker


To Ms. Norris
“Thank you for going above and beyond to help our shared students (and then some) be prepared for class!”
From:  Ms. Thurman


To Ms. Cummings-Fagan
“Always having a positive attitude, and being the first person to jump in and help when needed. She is in charge of a lot (CBI, PLC) and never complains! And most of all makes me want to come to work everyday because she goes out of her way to make me feel appreciated.”
From: Kristi Steuber



To Mr. Beson
“He was deployed and came home safely :-)”
From: Mr. Beson


To Andrew Patterson
“For being an awesome Wildcat and helping out a fellow student!”
From:  Ms. Taylor


Shout outTo Kiay Graham
“For being and awesome Wildcat and sharing her great ideas!”
From: Ms. Taylor


To Roterra Jones, Gisela Rivera, and Kaine Warndstadt
“These guys made an awesome Red Ribbon Week door in homeroom over the past few weeks. You Rock!”
From:  Ms. Wilson



To Ms. Stevenson
“I would like to thank Ms Stevenson for going the extra mile ,
responding to my emails in a timely fashion and last but not least just being a GREAT TEACHER!”

From: Deborah Burnett


To Matthias Burnett
“This shout out is for our son Matthias Burnett, Keep up the good work! We are behind you 100% Remember you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! Love you!”
From: Deborah Burnett


Shout outTo Tristan Raigoza
“TJ – you are a great brother to Seth & Jessie! Have a great Senior year! Love, Mom”
From: Laura Raigoza



To Mrs. McDermott and Mr. Cullum
“Mrs. McDermott and Mr. Cullum let me borrow books to help me study for the PSAT and SAT! They are both so helpful and I miss having them as teachers so much. I really don’t think I will ever have better teachers in my life. (Well, excluding the ones I’ve already had)”
From: Samantha Politano


To Ms. Enyart
“Ms. Enyart, you are an amazing dance teacher and you are so much fun to be around! I love dancing in your class and I think you are an overall awesome person. Your class makes me WANT to dance and it is a great inspiration to express myself in a way that is fun and challenging. Thanks Ms. E :)”
From: Amaya Gomez


Shout outTo Myko Coker III and Kazumi (Mimi ) Coker
“Keep up the good work and stay focused. Life is just beginning Class of 2016. Love Dad”
From: Myko Coker Sr.


To Mrs. Farquhar
“Thank you for being such a great agriculture teacher and being a positive role model!”
From: Dylan Butterfield



To Haley Hall
“Haley, you already know you’re the best food buddy! Love you girl! :)”
From: Amaya Gomez


Shout outTo Ms. Mainieri
“Ms. Mainieri, You are a great teacher and so far this year you have been so much fun and I love hearing your stories! :)”
From: Amaya Gomez


To Kat Connelly
“For his willingness to help his students be better actors. For his patience when someone struggles with a script. Thank you for believing in all of your students and actually wanting them to get better as actors and students. Thank you Mr. G.”
From: Mr. Gaudet


To Nick Devries
“For writing, directing, and producing his own one act play for the Comedy Show, for memorizing lines and acting in two different plays at the same time, for learning how to be a great props master and running our props table, for being completely reliable and positive in everything he does. All of this in the same show! Also, he sets up my classroom’s chairs every morning without even being asked. Thanks!”
From: Mr. Gaudet



To Emma Bjornsen
“For designing our Comedy Show’s program; for memorizing lines and acting in two different plays at the same time; for filming, editing, and publishing our Behind the Scenes documentary, and for being completely reliable and positive in everything she does. All of this in the same show! Thanks!”
From: Mr. Gaudet


To Mr. Gaudet
“For his willingness to help his students be better actors. For his patience when someone struggles with a script. Thank you for believing in all of your students and actually wanting them to get better as actors and students. Thank you Mr. G.”
From: Alexandra Burgos


To Joanne Santiago-Zayas
“Joanne took the leap to mostly honors classes and is working diligently to maintain her grades. She is on top of making up work from her absences and I’m confident she’ll be successful.”
From: Ms. Johnston


Shout outTo Nicholas Semmig
“For being an awesome wildcat and helping out a fellow student!”
From: Mrs. Roski



To Dre Ivery
“He works hard and does all his work!”
From: Lashonda Ivery


To James Powell
“James is so sweet, he’s always looking out for others. He stands up for what’s right and is just an overall great person. We need more people like him.”
From: Lissette Rojas


Shout out

To Mrs. Weber
“Every day I come to school looking forward to second period! You are the best teacher I have had in a very long time. You make everything interesting and I can’t wait to sign up for yearbook next year!”
From:  Brianna Brooks


To Anthony Farrell
“For being an awesome wildcat and looking out for other students!”
From: Mrs. Jarke


imagesTo Mackenzie Smith

“For saving her money for and overcoming her nerves to meet Sean Astin and ask him questions on a panel at WizardCon in Fort Lauderdale this weekend! I’m proud of her! She has great pictures of the event, too!”
From: Karen Smith


To Mr. Cole
“Mr. Cole, aka James Bond, is always willing to help out and always in a great mood. The kids look forward to talking to him and I appreciate his help!”
From: Ms. Passardi


To Ms. Wilson, Ms. Lozano, Ms. Clark, Mr. Stewart, Ms. Joiner, Ms. Cullum, Ms. Ingram, Ms. Blanco
“Thank you for being such amazing class sponsors and SGA advisor. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to make the week run smoothly that people do not realize. What a successful homecoming week!”
From: Ms. Richter


Shout out

To Ms. Meier
“For being a guest speaker and teaching a lesson to help students understand how they learn best and how to apply their learning style to studying.”
From:  Ms. Taylor



To Mr. Livingston
“For having pie today!”
From: Gabriel Cintron


To Cheyenne Wilde
“Cheyenne has volunteered to help out several of her classmates in yearbook, and she is always willing to do more to contribute to the journalism class. She’s showing leadership and dedication with her actions.”
From: Mrs. Weber


To Ms. Stevenson
“I would like to thank Her because, she always helps me when I’m struggling and I always know to go to her for any help I need, And I appreciate that very much!!”
From: Bailee McClure



To Sarahi Aceves
“I have been blessed with some really good PAC leaders, but Sarahi is the epitome of an awesome PAC leader. She suggested that I start using Remind101 because of a trend that she noticed in the classroom concerning students forgetting to turn in homework. Her feedback and assistance has helped me tremendously; she is constantly thinking critically about the students in the classroom and how to improve the learning environment. Thanks, Sarahi! You are amazing!”
From: Mrs. Salter


Shout out

To Mr. Beson
“Already this year he proved to me that we all can think positive and make something of ourselves. He has been there even when I haven’t asked. I think he could be an example of the perfect teacher!”
From: Hunter Davis



To Mrs. Thurman
“For reminding me that we all have the motivation and that we have the power to change our future beginning now!”
From: Hunter Davis


To Myko Coker
“For being the most awesomest person in the world”
From: Briana Mercado


To Tanner Boehning
“Always super helpful in class. Always has a smile on his face and great hair too!”
From: Angela Divincenzo


imagesTo Destiny Sanchez
“Destiny, we are so proud of your hard work and enthusiasm this year! Go Wildcats!”
From: Thalia King


Shout outTo Hunter Davis
“For his hard work, patience, and the extra help he provides his classmates.”
From: Mrs. Thurman


To Nathan Dodds
“Nathan is always helpful in the classroom by getting chairs out for fellow classmates and helping his classmates understand activities. He’s a pleasure and great help in my classroom.”
From: Mrs. Johnston


To Mrs. Andrews
“For always being a positive teacher to start my day off with!”
From: Miranda Butterfield


Shout outTo Lissette Rojas
“For always being nice to everybody!”
From: James Powell


imagesTo Ashley Leverette
“Ashley, you are an awesome young lady, continue to stay encourage and do your best, and make good choices rather it be in class, band, home, or at work. Watch out college life!!!! Here comes Ashley:-) You can do it!!!!!!!”
From: Ms. Williams


To Ms. Passardi
“For striving every day to make her classroom a better learning environment for all of her students. Also, for her incorrigibly good attitude!”
From: Ethan Laney


To Amanda Burden
“Amanda rocked her Biology knowledge during an AP discussion yesterday. She has come a long way as a student since her freshman year and I couldn’t be more proud! Keep it up Amanda!”
From: Mr. Cullum


Shout outTo Mrs. Salter
“Mrs. Salter is the most enthusiastic teacher I have ever met so far. It is impressive to see her instruct students every day in her class. Most important of all, she is eager in her job as a teacher
From: Jaralee Resto-Ramos



To Ryan Faulk
“Ryan is alwayson task, always cooperative, and always smiling in class!”
From: Ms. Passardi


To Mr. Gaudet
“For always being there for me, whether it’s in his class or not, and just all out being the most amazing teacher I’ve ever had in my high school experience this far!”
 From: Lea Mills


To Kyle M. Brown
“For always helping out and getting his work done!”
From: Lexi Messick


TShout outo Emeley Tsvetkov
“Make it your day, today is yours!
From: Janine Troy


Shout-Out-1To Corporal Beson!
“His continued efforts to keep me well fed were so kind and thoughtful!”
 From: Samantha Politano


imagesTo Emma Bjornsen!
“Thank you for staying after school and helping me get the TV Studio prepped!”
From: Mrs. Willoughby