National Honor Society

Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of every month starting on September 30, 2015.

Students should bring their dues of $25 (includes a t-shirt fee) to Ms. Rice in room 407 on or before October 14th.

Students wishing to join NHS should submit a completed application packet to Ms. Rice on or before October 27th.


Important documents (click to download Word documents):
NHS Application 2014-2015 (updated 9/30/14)
NHS Chapter Bylaws
NHS Constitution


During the second semester, the Wesley Chapel High School chapter of NHS will be inducting new members into this esteemed organization. In order to be eligible, students must satisfy the requirements put forth by the NASSP (National Association of Secondary Schools Principals) and stated in the NHS Constitution. These requirements support the FOUR PILLARS OF NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership and Character. Click here for more information about NHS.

SCHOLARSHIP: In order to satisfy this requirement, students must have a minimum cumulative (weighted) GPA of 3.5. Once inducted, students must continue to maintain this GPA.

SERVICE: In order to be considered for membership, students must have a minimum of 15 community service hours accumulated starting the summer before their 9th grade year documented on their school transcripts. If a student still needs to have these added to his/her transcript, he/she should complete the community service log (available on the school website or in the student services office) and turn it in to his/her counselor no later than January 20th (in order to give the counselor time to add it to the transcript).

LEADERSHIP: Leadership is demonstrated through a student’s involvement in school and community activities, his/her willingness to take charge, and through his/her ability to lead by example.

CHARACTER: The student of good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, and shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others.
**Teacher recommendations are used to help determine leadership and character of an applicant.


  • Around the end of January or beginning of February, the NHS Faculty Advisor will receive a list of sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher.
  • After the Faculty Advisor receives the GPA list, a meeting will be scheduled for all interested students who meet the GPA requirement. This meeting will be held after school and will be announced and advertised throughout the school. Students interested in joining should plan to attend this meeting. If the student has a conflict in schedule, he/she can meet with the advisor before or after school to obtain the information and application.
  • At the meeting, the Faculty Advisor will review the four pillars of NHS and address what it takes to maintain those four pillars once inducted. The students will have the opportunity to ask questions. Applications will be distributed at the meeting and the deadline to submit applications will be announced.
  • Students wishing to become a member must complete the application packet, which includes five teacher recommendation forms. Students must submit the application before the deadline. Students who submit applications after the deadline will not be considered for membership.
  • Applications are reviewed by the Faculty Advisor and the Faculty Council, a panel of five teachers who assist the Faculty Advisor with admission and dismissal of members.
  • Students are notified in writing of their acceptance/rejection in a timely manner.
  • Students who are accepted must attend a meeting to discuss the Induction Ceremony in March.
  • Students who are not accepted may meet with the Faculty Advisor for guidance (note: Comments made on teacher recommendation forms will not be shared with the student or the parent) and insight. Sophomores and juniors who are not accepted may still apply for membership in the future.

NHS cannot be successful without the support of the parents; it is a quite a commitment that members undertake, a commitment that may cut into family time. Parental support is greatly appreciated, however all communication regarding the organization will be directed to the student. As Faculty Advisor, I am always happy to answer any questions you may have or address any concerns that arise, but I believe in placing the responsibility on the student member, not the parents. National Honor Society is a student organization. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all service hours and applications are submitted in a timely manner, to maintain his/her GPA, and meet the organization’s requirements.

I am available if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding NHS and the application process.



Virginia Rice

NHS Faculty Advisor